Best Buy Exclusive Superman Mini Comic Book On Pack with any of the DVD sets: Look, Up In The Sky: The Amazing Story of Superman Superman: The Animated Series: Volume III Superboy: Season 1 The Adventures of Superman: Seasons 3 & 4 Justice League: Season 2 Lois & Clark: New Adventures of Superman : Season 3. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.78) will be charged at checkout. This first issue reveals that Kal-El was conceived via the mingling of seeds in a matrix chamber, Clark's powers developed slowly over time (meaning Superboy was written out of continuity), and Superman's body projected an aura that protected his now vulnerable costume. His origin was altered, as were many other aspects of the character. Published just a few months after Crisis on Infinite Earths, John Byrne's The Man of Steel updated the saga of Superman for modern audiences. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.94) will be charged at checkout. It has been graded by M圜omicShop's experienced graders. A 3% buyer's premium ($0.79) will be charged at checkout.