
Schrodinger wave equation
Schrodinger wave equation

schrodinger wave equation

With its position and momentum completely unpredictable, even getting a boundary is a lot.

  • The first and most important implication of this equation is that it gives us a boundary where the electron can be present.
  • Let us look into the applications and predictions by this equations This equation in Quantum Mechanics is as important as Newtons Laws in classical physics Instead, let us know why is this equation so important. Let us not get into complex explanations of this equation. In this case, the potential energy also does not vary with time.Į is a constant equal to the energy level of the system The time-independent Schrödinger equation describes the motion of a matter-wave which does not vary with time: Ĥ is the Hamiltonian operator (Energy Operator) The time-dependent Schrödinger equation, as its name says, describes the motion of a matter-wave which varies with time: There are two types of Schrodinger Equation and they are

    schrodinger wave equation

    An electron that was considered a particle till then showed the properties of a wave.Īnother Physicist Max Born suggested that this wave was not a normal wave rather it was a probability wave wherein the probability of an electron existing at one place is dependant on the wave size.Įrwin Schrödinger came up with an equation that described these electron waves with pretty good accuracy. It resulted in electrons showing wave nature. The roots of this equation lie in the double-slit experiment on electrons performed by two physicists named Davisson and Germer. Schrodinger equation is a partial differential equation that describes the form of the probability wave that governs the motion of small particles, and it specifies how these waves are altered by external influences.

    Schrodinger wave equation